Refugee Help Effort

The Turkish coastguards have apparently rescued 42000 people from the sea in 2015. This week, the world seen the horror of what was going on in an image that will haunt many of us for along time.
The picture of Aylan and his brother show two youngs boys with all to live for.
We also seen a raging debate on the social networks about the appropriateness of sharing such images. One thing is for certain is that pictures can certainly convey the horror of war or disaster. There have been many iconic images over the years that have brought attention to abuse and crime that otherwise may never have been known about.
Once again, the issue of immigration has come to the forefront.
While governments and politicians have been slow to mobilise, ordianry people have not. Tweets - Refugees Welcome - have crammed the feeds.
Our local area has mobilised too - Check out what's going on HERE