School Uniform

We seen an interesting article today about a school uniforms row rumbling.
Just take a walk through The Quays or Buttercrane in Newry - Back to School is all the rage. It was no sooner than the kids were off on their holidays.
There is apparently a price war between some of the big supermarkets on complete school uniforms. A quick browse online will direct you to school jumpers/cardigans on sale for as little as £3.00 in all colours - you will be certain to get your colour match for whereever your child goes to school.
This time of year is full of summer fun but it can also be daunting for parents, particlarly of a big family, to think of the money that needs to be found to kit out children for school.
The problem, as reported on Liberal ie, is that many schools insist on crested uniforms. Problems arise if you buy the bargain and then have to fork out again because your original purchase will not be allowed.
Schools have their rules. The crest on a uniform identifies a child as part of that school's community and that is a great thing. If a child gets lost, they can easily be identified by their school uniform - from a child protection and safety perspective this could be so important.
The crest is important!
What if the crest itself was made available, how many of you could attach it to the school uniform provided by Tesco, Dunnes etc? Would this be an option that could work? Would it take the financial pressure of you having to worry about costly uniform?