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Car Fire in Warrenpoint
A Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service spokesperson said: “Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service (NIFRS) received a call at 2:37pm to...

Saga Pearl arrival July 2016
The Saga Pearl II arrived in Warrenpoint for the second time today! It last visited two years ago in July 2014 to throngs of people who...

Warrenpoint in Days gone by!
The images above can be found on the website of the National Library of Ireland. There are some great photographs of days gone by in...

Narrow Water Keep & Castle
Narrow Water Keep from the inside! Narrow Water Keep from the air! Narrow Water Castle from the air!

The Waterworks!
A truly superb video of The Waterworks by Macs Vidz Nothing more to say...just watch! Even better get out there and enjoy a stroll - it's...

Game of Thrones
When Game of Thrones came to the are to film a few years back! You can get an idea of the whole scale of the operation when the filming...

Bluebell Wood!
A very nice video of the Bluebell Wood outside Warrenpoint! This really is a very beautiful area for a walk at this time of year. Be as...

From Cranfield to the Point
Video: Eternal Sunshine Productions This a cool video - From Cranfield to the Point! We are blessed to live in such a beautiful part of...

Green Narrow Water
We in Warrenpoint have gone green for St Patrick's Day with the greening of Narrow Water castle. 190 global landmarks in the world have...