No Wind Farm

In December 2011, The Crown Estate, as the owner of the UK seabed, launched a tender to select a developer for a 600MW offshore wind farm within the Tender Resource Zone off the south east coast of Co. Down. The First Flight Wind consortium was selected in October 2012.
The right to develop this area and build an offshore wind farm was subject to First Flight Wind being successful in gaining all necessary consents. The consents process is carried out by Northern Ireland statutory bodies and concerns many aspects of the construction, operation and eventual decommissioning of the offshore wind farm.
In December past , First Flight announced that it was ceasing development of the wind farm of the coast of Co. Down.
The First Flight Wind consortium announced that it is ceasing development of its Northern Ireland offshore wind farm. The company has made significant progress in establishing the feasibility of the project off the coast of Co. Down. However, as a result of delays to the design of the new market and renewable incentive arrangements for Northern Ireland, First Flight Wind has concluded that the project can no longer be built in the timeframes likely to be required under the new market rules. As a result, it is not going to be possible to continue with further project development and consent related activity.
First Flight Wind stated that it was a disappointing outcome for all involved. A project like this could have made a substantial contribution to Northern Ireland’s requirements for secure and low-carbon electricity and could provide significant local economic opportunities.