5000 Years ago!

Pic: Twitter/Fintan Walsh
Thank you Twitter for letting us know that this is happening on our doorstep!
A quick scan through Twitter posts about the area led us to our own social media archaelogical discovery - a tweet from Fintan Walsh, archaelogist, with a pic of Cornamucklagh with Warrenpoint in the background.
Cornamucklagh is in Omeath, Co. Louth.
Archaelogists are working on an excavation of a Mesolithic occupation at this site in Omeath
The Mesolithic (or Middle Stone Age) period, from c 10,000 to 5000 years ago, dates from the end of the last Ice Age.
During the Mesolithic period Ireland was cut off from Britain by the sea, and Britain from Europe. Forests covered much of the land. The people were hunter-gatherers, but they were also beginning to ’domesticate’ animals such as cattle and sheep.
Our area has a rich history due to it's location. It is fascinating to see this confirmed by a modern day discovery. We hope to hear more about this project.
Definitely one for the amateur historians/archaelogists to follow.