Did it work?

Let's ask the question: Did it work?
Yesterday seen some heavy, heavy, rainfall! Panic set in as the fear of flooding, often a problem for the people in the town, set in. But with the extensive works that have went on in Newry Street for over a year, we should have felt safe from the ravages of nature.
Many people reported raw sewage in the Clermont area:

The project – which took nearly 18 months to complete - involved the construction of a new pumping station and storage tank located within the existing Newry Street car park, and the installation of new sewers throughout the area, including Newry Road, Meeting Street and on the Mound Road.
This project is the first phase of the Warrenpoint Drainage Area Plan, which will improve the sewerage infrastructure in the local area and reduce the risk of out of sewer flooding at Meeting Street, Charlotte Street and Clermont Gardens.
Sandbags still had to be produced. Lots of money spent on sophisticated construction but some folk still took extra precautions.

The Aftermath!