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Warrenpoint Fire Service: 100 years

Warrenpoint Fire Station celebrates 100 years in action in the town.

There was an open day recently to mark the occasion. We witnessed a display of how to deal with a chip van going on fire, firemen attending a road traffic collision and a ladder display.

You can see a little of what was going on in our video above.

Inside the Fire Station seen a display of photographs of current and past members. There was also pictures of the Fire Service in action attending emergencies in the locality.

We were told to make sure to check the smoke alarms in our homes to make sure they are working. We were also reminded that the Fire Service will be with us within 8 minutes in the event of an emergency and to try and remain calm in the event of a fire in our homes.

It was a great celebration of 100 years in our town, keeping us safe!

Well done to all!


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