Narrow Water Bridge: Politicians

As the Assembly electioneering begins, all our politicians in all parties are anxious to get your vote. When they call at the door be sure to ask them what action they will take to deliver on their promises for our town and locality.
What is your priority for your town, locality and country? Don't be afraid to ask the challenging questions of the candidates.
For many of us, a bridge at Narrow Water opens up the whole of the Carlingford Lough area for the people that live here and for visitors to the area. It seemed as if we were so close to getting the bridge but at the minute is it a bridge too far?
If this is an important issue for you make sure to get a commitment from the local candidates and hold them accountable to those pledges if they are elected.
Check out the pics below from the Narrow Water Bridge Community Network of the cross party political support for the bridge at Narrow Water