Life Saving Tips

We read recently of the tragic circumstance were a child choked on a grape in a restaurant. A video by St. John's Ambulance demonstrating what to do in this situation very quickly went viral around the social networks.
We are very glad that it did!
Like many of you we're sure, we were shocked at our lack of knowledge in what to do in an emergency medical.
We have dedicated a page on the site to five medical situations and have embedded the St John's Ambulance Facebook videos all in the one spot.
Let's hope you never need to use these but it might help to be informed if you ever do!
Just click on one below!
1. How to save a choking baby 2. How to use a defibrillator 3. How to help someone who has fainted 4. How to deal with an asthma attack 5. How to use your first aid kit