St Mark's School

The project includes a new three-storey block at the rear of the school as well as internal alterations and refurbishment of existing accommodation. The work will encompass science and general classrooms, a sixth-form study, ICT room, new changing rooms and toilets, a digital media suite and enhanced disability access.
The Minister said: “This £3million investment will enable improvements to be carried out which will positively impact on pupils, teachers and school staff. The improved and new accommodation at the school will provide better facilities for our young people to learn in and an improved working environment for all the school staff.”
“Ongoing investment in our schools estate is essential if we are to continue to provide a quality education. The School Enhancement Programme is an important way of providing much needed work to our schools estate and I am confident that this investment will help in the drive to improve education standards.”
The School Enhancement Programme (SEP) was announced in 2013 for projects costing between £500,000 and £4,000,000. The programme is targeted to meet the immediate and pressing needs in schools, through smaller scale works, where a new build capital works are not deemed deliverable.
The Minister said: “This is a good day for all the pupils and staff of St Mark’s High School and this level of investment also provides a significant boost for the local construction industry. I am delighted to be here today to celebrate with them.”
Mrs Una McNulty, Principal of St Mark’s said: “This is a wonderful day for St. Mark's as we mark the beginning of our school's enhancement programme. A lot of time and hard work has been spent by a lot of people in ensuring that St. Mark's received this much-needed investment and for that we are grateful. By September 2016, the effort that has gone into the planning and implementation of this project will be rewarded as we will be able to offer students and staff access to state-of-the-art facilities.