Baths 2015
In our short video, we show some of the proposed plans for the development of Warrenpoint Baths.
We, the community, have been invited to give our views on the proposals: what we like, dislike or believe shoud be included. Now is the time to have your say.
The proposals can be viewed in the Warrenpoint Town Hall reception area, Church Street, Warrenpoint from Monday 16th until Friday 20th February 2015 (normal opening hours 9am – 5pm).
Our video is to give the people who are not in Warrenpoint but have a view or opinion on these proposals the chance to have your say.
You may be in far off lands but home is still home and these are issues that you deserve to have your say on.
You can find the comment form HERE
You can email your completed form to
This should be returned on or before 5pm on Friday 20th February 2015.
Check out our Video section HERE