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Have your say!

Warrenpoint Baths

Image: Google Maps

Newry and Mourne District Council have over the last 12 months been consulting with a number of relevant stakeholder groups in terms of future development proposals for Warrenpoint Baths.

The Council have engaged Milligan Reside Larkin Ltd architects to assist in submitting a Planning Application to Planning Service by the end of March 2015 and would like to seek the views of both members of the public and traders on the current concept design.

The proposals can be viewed in the Warrenpoint Town Hall reception area, Church Street, Warrenpoint from Monday 16th until Friday 20th February 2015 (normal opening hours 9am – 5pm). Comments sheets will be available for you to have your say and proposals can also be viewed and commented upon through the Councils Website of

In addition the consultant architect and relevant Council officials will be available for a drop in session on Thursday 19th February 2015 between 6.30pm and 8.30pm in the Boardroom of Warrenpoint Town Hall should you wish to discuss the proposals with them in more detail.


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