Narrow Water Bridge
We just seen this video presentation by the Narrow Water Bridge Community Network. The presentation is a good visual guide to the...

Amusements on the move!
This is the new location for the Amusements! The car park beside the Warrenpoint Pier. They have been relocated from the Square due to...

Community Centre News
We have read the very comprehensive feasibility study that was commissioned by the local council into the provision of a Community Centre...

Warrenpoint Work
The Warrenpoint Public Realm scheme to improve Warrenpoint Town Centre has begun in February 2016. The banner at Mary Street - a...

Warrenpoint Moon
Some shots of the moon over Warrenpoint! We had the planet Jupiter and our Moon link up on Tuesay night - as seen by the photograph below...

Warrenpoint Community Centre
There has been a very active social media campaign over the last number of days to rally support for a much needed community centre for...

Panto Time
Warrenpoint Panto 2016! As you can see from the poster it is Warrenpoint Panto time again. This year, we have the wonderful Beauty and...

Do Business local!
Tuesday, 26 January 2016 from 18:30 to 20:30 at Warrenpoint Town Hall This is a great opportunity for local businesses in the area to...

RIP Shane
RIP Shane Nicholl Our sincerest condolences to Shane's family and friends! The statement from St. Dallan's School were Shane attended:...

Warrenpoint Police Station
It has been announced that Warrenpoint Police Station is to officially close! We have asked local people on our Facebook Page what they...