Tax Disc Reminder
In Case of Emergency Contact Disc

For many of us, our tax and MOT disc was our reminder of when we had to renew our vehicle tax and MOT. Recent changes have done away with the paper discs. You can now check online. However, most of us have not got into the routine of doing this yet. (You will still receive a notification by post).
We have a solution for you!
Just simply provide us with your vehicle manufacturer and vehicle registration and we will provide you with a beautifully designed disc of a local theme with your tax/MOT renewal date.*
In addition, you will receive a FREE In Case of Emergency disc for contact details of next of kin in the event of an emergency were a driver is unable to communicate to the emergency services. Hopefully, none of us will ever need this but it is reassuring to know this information is at hand if it is ever required.
Pick the one you want below, enter your vehicle manufacturer and registration and we will will do the rest.
For just £2.99 (FREE postage and packaging) you can ensure you avoid that hefty fine or clamping with our tax disc reminder.
Use that empty Tax Disk Holder!
The Elk

Rostrevor Rose



The Mournes

In Case of Emergency

If you have any questions, please email us in the form below
What design would you like?
Comment below!
*We take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information on the tax disc reminder. It is the sole responsibility of the registered keeper of the vehicle to ensure the vehicle is taxed. To check when tax is due, please check the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency's Vehicle Enquiry checker at www.vehicleenquiry.service.gov.uk